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How do I manage Office 365 Distribution Lists?

How do I manage Office 365 Distribution Lists?


  1. Go to this website in a browser, https://outlook.office.com/mail/options/general/distributionGroups
  2. Login with your full email address and email password, if prompted
  3. On the right side, you will see distribution groups you own
  4. Double-click the group you want to manage
  5. Click Membership in the left pane
  6. To add someone:
    1. Click the + sign above the member list
    2. Click the Search People field and enter the name of the person to be added and press enter or click the magnifying glass icon
    3. Click the + sign next to the user in the search results section
    4. Click Save at the top
    5. Click Save again
  7. To remove someone:
    1. Click the person from the membership list to select the user
    2. Click the – sign above the list (the user is immediately removed)
    3. Click Save